‘You made it all completely painless and improved the book no end while you were at it.’ – Damien Owens
‘You are such an amazing team I’m so impressed.’ – Emma Jones
‘I’m really pleased. Thank you so much for what you’ve done with it.’ – Patrick Kincaid
‘I’m blown away by your feedback. You’ve pinpointed the MS’ weaknesses with surgical precision and I’ve already learned heaps! As a debut novelist I can’t ask for more.’ – James Vella-Bardon
‘Thanks so much for everything! It’s been a wonderful process and I look forward to doing it again’ – Carrie Jo Howe
‘Thanks for all your insight and support… You’ve really helped make the manuscript into something stronger and more focused.’ – Joshua Winning
‘I feel lucky that you are my first editor, priceless.’ – Jamie Jackson
‘Many thanks for your brilliant comments – exactly what I needed as a novice author! I have to say I’m mightily impressed with your work – I’ve never worked with a copy editor before so it’s been a delight to see your changes’ – Mick Jenkins
‘Thanks a lot for the amazing work. It has been a pleasure to work with you and the rest of the team in the editorial desk, you’ve really polished the book and it looks absolutely fantastic.’ – Giuseppe Porcaro
‘I have read the cover note and there is nothing in it I disagree with. I am freshly enthused… Thanks for an amazing job of editing. The book feels clearer and better just from reading your notes!’ – David Quantick
‘I’ll miss this process, it’s been a delight, and I’m proud of what the book has become. Thank you very much’ – Fiona Stocker
‘The edits have definitely moved it to a new level and will influence how I write in future!’ – Ste Sharp
‘I commend you on your incredible attention to detail!’ – Michael Ritchie
‘Thorough, frank and always bang on the money…’ – Dominic Flint
‘Thank you so much for your thoughtful, insightful, and kind comments. They’ve definitely helped make it a better book and I’m grateful for your prompt, patient, and thorough response to my many emails.’ – Claire Handscombe
‘It’s been so helpful and revelatory: you’ve nailed what I was (apparently) attempting to do and helped me convey it better on the page. In short, I think it’s much more like a a good book now and I certainly wouldn’t have been able to get it to that point on my own. So thanks again!’ – Daniel Ross
‘You’ve really helped make the idea a story and I’ve learnt a hell of a lot about how to craft good prose and the art of storytelling!’ – Sebastian Ives
‘Thanks so much for your diligence and creativity. I’ve taken a look through your summary of the editorial points, and they are an absolute treasury! Great to have someone with your interest and passion involved.’ – Jake Lynch